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TUTORIAL: New provider services for convergence technologies based on quality of experience and quality of service paradigms

Prof. Abdelhamid Mellouk, University of Paris-Est, France.

Technology Institute, Department of Network and Telecommunication

University of Paris-Est, France (UPEC)

Based on a convergence of network technologies, the Next Generation Network (NGN) is being deployed to carry high quality video and voice data. In fact, the convergence of network technologies has been driven by the converging needs of end-users. The perceived end-to-end quality is becoming one of the main goals required by users that must be guaranteed by the network operators and the Internet Service Providers, through manufacturer equipment. This is referred to as the notion of Quality of Experience (QoE) and is becoming commonly used to represent user perception. The QoE is not a technical metric, but rather a concept consisting of all elements of a user's perception of the network services. In this talk, we focus on the idea of how to integrate the QoE into a control- command chain in order to construct an adaptive network system. More precisely, in the context of Content-Oriented Networks that is used to redesign the current Internet architecture to accommodate content-oriented applications and services, the talk aim to describe an end-to-end QoE model applied to a Content Distribution Network architecture and see relationships between Quality of service and Quality of Experience.


Prof. Abdelhamid Professor Abdelhamid Mellouk, University of Paris-Est (UPEC), Networks & Telecommunications (N&T) Department and LiSSi Laboratory, France. He graduated in computer network engineering from the Computer Science High Eng. School, University Oran-EsSenia, Algeria, and the University of Paris Sud XI Orsay, received his Ph.D. in computer science from the same university, and a Doctorate of Sciences (Habilitation) diploma from UPEC. Head of several executive national and international positions, he is the founder of the Network Control Research activity with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. His general area of research is in adaptive real-time bio-inspired control for high-speed new generation dynamic wired/wireless networking in order to maintain acceptable quality of service/experience for added value services. He is an active member of the IEEE Communications Society and held several offices including leadership positions in IEEE Communications Society Technical Committees. He has published/coordinated eight books, 3 lecture notes and several refereed (around 200) international publications in journals, conferences, and books, in addition to numerous keynotes and plenary talks in flagship venues. He serves on the Editorial Boards or as Associate Editor for several journals, and he is chairing or has chaired (or co-chaired) some of the top international conferences and symposia (ICC, GlobeCom, VTC, etc.). In particular, he is the current chair of the IEEE ComSoc Switching and Routing Technical Committee after being the past chair of the IEEE ComSoc Communication Software Technical Committee. He is also the TP chair of Symposia of IEEE ICC 2017 in Paris.

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