Paper submission

Submission and Publication

SOICT 2024 seeks articles describing novel results about theoretical, empirical, conceptual or experimental research in Computer Science. All contributions should be original, unpublished, and must not be submitted to other venues during the review period. The symposium language is English. The paper must be prepared by using Springer conference template in (Latex or Word) and must be submitted via  EasyChair system. Maximum number of pages: 12 (excluding references).

Review style: single-blind, so author names do NOT need to be removed in your submission
Each paper will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers.


  • Step 1: Register an account in the EasyChair system.
  • Step 2: Please choose SOICT 2024 and submit your paper


Relevant topics of the symposium include, but are not limited to:

Networking and Communication technologies: 

  • Network Architecture and Protocols, Future Internet, Software Defined Networking, Information Centric Networking, Overlay and Peer-to-Peer Networks
  • Mobile and Wireless Networks, Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Green Networking
  • Wireless and Network Security, Information Security, Anonymity and Privacy, Intrusion detection and Prevention
  • Wireless Communications, Coding and Information Theory, Cognitive Radio, Cooperative Communications, MIMO and Smart Antenna Systems
  • Optical Networks, Free Space and Fiber-Optic Communications, Optical Access Networks, Protection and Restoration
  • Network Management, Network Performance and QoS, Fault tolerance, Reliability and Survivability

AI Foundation and Big Data: 

  • Artificial intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Machine Learning, Uncertainty.
  • Natural Language processing, Search methodologies, Information Retrieval
  • Big Data Analytics: algorithms, techniques, and systems; scalability, optimization, security, trust, privacy issues; applications for threat detection, cognitive computing, cyber defense, e-health, business intelligence

Multimedia Processing

  • Image and Video Processing
  • Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing, Language Model
  • Speech Processing, Speech Production and Perception, Speech Analysis and Synthesis, Speech Enhancement
  • Computational Photography, Visual Media Processing, Information Visualization
  • Cross-modal Fusion and Representation Learning in Multimedia Processing
  • Multimedia Content Understanding and Semantic Analysis
  • Social Media and Big Data Analytics in Multimedia Processing

Software Engineering 

  • Software Architectures
  • Formal Analysis and Design, Software Development Techniques and Tools, Software Verification, Programming Languages
  • Parallel Computing, Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing
  • Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Real-time Embedded System
  • Applied Machine Learning for Software Engineering

Applied Operations Research and Optimization

  • Optimization in Energy
  • Optimization in Urban traffic, Transportation and Logistics
  • Network optimization in Telecommunications, Water distribution…
  • Manufacturing, Service sciences, and supply chain management
  • Financial Optimization
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Integer Programming
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Interactions between AI and Optimization

Human Computer Interaction and Intelligent Interactive Systems

  • User-centered design and evaluation methodologies
  • Multimodal interaction and interfaces
  • Adaptive and personalized interfaces
  • Natural language processing and dialogue systems
  • Augmented, virtual, and mixed-reality applications
  • Gesture-based and touch-based interaction
  • Intelligent user interfaces and machine learning techniques
  • User experience design and evaluation
  • Social computing and collaborative systems
  • Accessibility and inclusive design
  • Human-robot interaction and autonomous systems
  • Mobile and ubiquitous computing interfaces
  • Cognitive modeling and human factors in HCI
  • Ethical and privacy considerations in interactive systems
  • Novel interactive technologies and emerging trends

Recent Advances in Cyber Security

  • System, Network, and Cloud Computing Security
  • IoT Security
  • Mobile Security
  • Web security and privacy
  • Security Analysis
  • Human Factors, Usable Security and Privacy
  • Applied Cryptography
  • Digital Forensics
  • Machine Learning and Adversarial Learning for Computer Security

Lifelog and Multimedia Event Retrieval

  • Lifelogging technologies and devices
  • Lifelog data acquisition, representation, and storage
  • Event detection and recognition in lifelog data
  • Multimedia content analysis and indexing
  • Event-based summarization and storytelling
  • Lifelog retrieval and browsing interfaces
  • Machine learning and deep learning techniques for lifelog analysis
  • Context-aware lifelogging and event retrieval
  • Lifelog-based activity recognition and behavior analysis
  • Privacy and ethical considerations in lifelogging
  • Personalized lifelog and event retrieval systems
  • Augmented reality and lifelog visualization
  • Lifelog applications in healthcare, education, entertainment, and beyond
  • Social aspects and lifelog sharing platforms
  • Challenges and future directions in lifelog and event retrieval research