SoICT 2019 seeks articles describing novel results about theoretical, empirical, conceptual or experimental research in Computer Science. All contributions should be original, must be unpublished, and must not be submitted to other venues during the review period. The symposium language is English.
The paper must be prepared by using the "sigconf" conference template in ACM template and should not exceed 8 pages and must be submitted via EasyChair system.
SoICT 2019 proceedings will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM as an ICPS volume in the ACM Digital Library (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7245-9), which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. SoICT 2019 will be indexed by DBLP, Ei Compendex, Scopus and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (ISI Web of Science).
Relevant topics of the symposium include, but are not limited to:
1. AI and Big Data Analytics:
- Artificial intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Machine Learning, Uncertainty.
- Natural Language processing, Search methodologies, Information Retrieval
- Big Data Analytics: algorithms, techniques, and systems; scalability, optimization, security, trust, privacy issues; applications for threat detection, cognitive computing, cyber defense, e-health, business ntelligence
2. Network Communication and Security:
- Network Architecture and Protocols, Future Internet, Software Defined Networking, Information Centric Networking, Overlay and Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Mobile and Wireless Networks, Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Green Networking
- Wireless and Network Security, Information Security, Anonymity and Privacy, Intrusion detection and Prevention
- Wireless Communications, Coding and Information Theory, Cognitive Radio, Cooperative Communications, MIMO and Smart Antenna Systems
- Optical Networks, Free Space and Fiber-Optic Communications, Optical Access Networks, Protection and Restoration
- Network Management, Network Performance and QoS, Fault tolerance, Reliability and Survivability
3. Perception and Machine Interaction
- Pattern recognition, Image processing, Computer vision, Computational photography, Human measurement, Intelligent image editing, Visual media processing, Image database
- Speech processing, Acoustic information processing, Speech / Sound database
- Information sensing, Sensor fusion, Sensing devices / systems, Tangible sensing
- Human interface, Multi-modal interface, Human-computer interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Groupware
- Virtual reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed reality, Realistic communication
- Wearable device, Usability, Ergonomics
4. Software Engineering and New Computing Trends
- Software Architectures, Formal Analysis and Design, Software Development Techniques and Tools, Software Verification, Programming Languages
- Parallel Computing, Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- Real-time Embedded System
Special session: ICT Solution for E-Govermance
Chair: Nguyen Ngoc Hoa, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
Extended versions of the selected best papers in SoICT 2019 will be invited for submission to Journal of Heuristics (IF: 1.8) and Informatica, Applied Sciences but will be reviewed again.