Camera-Ready submission
Congratulation on your accepted paper for presentation at SoICT 2022!
Please adhere the following steps to prepare and submit your camera-ready version by October 23, 2022.
Step 1. Submit Your Copyright Consent Form
For every manuscript in the SoICT 2022 Proceedings, copyright consent must be given by the authors. You must formally grant permission to ACM to publish your paper before ACM can proceed with production. After receiving the email about ACM rights management from, you must follow ACM’s instructions to complete this step.
The person designated as the corresponding author for your submission will receive an email from ACM with instructions for submitting your ACM copyright form. Please also check your spam folder. If you declare multiple corresponding authors for your paper on Easychair, the first corresponding author will receive the email from ACM.
If you need to edit the paper title, authors’ names, email addresses, etc., please make sure that you make these changes to your submission in EasyChair prior to signing the copyright agreement. Any changes made on the ACM copyright agreement website will not be communicated back to EasyChair and will cause complications in your paper being accepted for the proceedings.
Step 2. Prepare Your Final Manuscript
2.1. The camera-ready version of your paper should not exceed eight pages. You must prepare your paper strictly following the new ACM sigconf templates (either LaTeX or Word) and the CCS2012 guide:
An example of camera-ready paper is available HERE.
Note that in the new ACM sigconf template, each page, excluding the first one, must have a header. The header of even pages contains the conference information on the left (which should be “SoICT 2022, December 1–3, 2022, Hanoi, Vietnam” in our case) and the short list of authors on the right. The header of odd pages contains the paper’s full title (or just a short title if needed) on the left and the conference information on the right. If you have any problems with the templates, please contact ACM’s TeX support team at Aptara
2.2. All papers must adequately address reviewers’ feedback and revise potential paragraphs and sentences for plagiarism
2.3. When preparing your paper for submission using the ACM templates, you must include the rights management and bibstrip text blocks below the left-hand portion of the first page. As this text will provide rights information for your paper, please make sure that this text is displayed and positioned correctly when you submit your manuscript for publication. The ACM rights management will provide the exact content of the rights management and bibstrip text blocks after you complete the first step.
Typically, the rights management and bibstrip text blocks look like as follows:
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from
SoICT 2022, December 1–3, 2022, Hanoi, Vietnam
© 2022 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9725-4/22/12
2.4. Please classify your work using ACM’S Computing Classification System (CCS):
Please read the HOW TO CLASSIFY WORKS USING ACM’S COMPUTING CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM for instructions on how to classify your document using the 2012 ACM Computing Classification System and insert the index terms into your LaTeX or Microsoft Word source file.
2.5. Please complete the ACM Reference format in the following template: [FULL_LIST_OF_AUTHORS]. 2022. [FULL_TITLE_OF_PAPER]. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT ’22). ACM, New York, NY, USA, [NUMBER_OF_PAGES] pages.
where the exact doi number will be provided by ACM after completing the first step.
2.6. Please do not insert page numbers in your paper.
2.7. Please carefully check the checklist provided by ACM.
Step 3. Upload your source to the TAPS system
The person designated as the corresponding author for your submission will receive an email from TAPS ( Please make sure that you and your authors whitelist The email provides an upload link to the author for delivering their final material – Word or LaTeX source, plus supplemental material – to TAPS, and instructions for preparing and delivering that material. The TAPS workflow can be summed up in a few steps.
- Prepare source material – the Word or LaTeX source document(s), and any supplementary material you wish to have distributed alongside your article in the Digital Library.
- Organize your article source material into a ZIP file, and upload that ZIP file to TAPS.
- Upload your supplementary materials (if any)
- Review the generated PDF and HTML5 documents if the source was successfully processed. If validation errors occur, revise the source and resubmit to TAPS.
- Approve your article in TAPS for publication when all errors are resolved.
These steps are explained in greater detail here:
Step 4. Upload the PDF certified by TAPS to EasyChair
You must submit the TAPS-certified version of your paper (i.e., the version TAPS returns to you if everything is correct). Failure to do so might return in your paper not being considered certified by TAPS, and it might not be included in the proceedings.
Please follow the steps below to submit your camera-ready (final) PDF file electronically :
- Log in to EasyChair as you did to submit the original paper.
- Ensure ALL paper authors are included on the author list and in the correct order.
- Check that all paper information in EasyChair matches the information on the camera-ready PDF file. Detailed information (title, abstract, etc.) that will appear in the conference proceedings will be taken from EasyChair and not from the submitted PDF file.
- Click on the “Proceedings version”, then click on the “Upload new version”, browse to the approved PDF, and finally upload it. Depending on your file size and your internet connection speed, the file upload may take a few minutes. A confirmation message will be displayed if the file is uploaded successfully. You will also receive an email confirmation with the details of your submission.